You can apply to be a Herdmaster in our Discord server!
HE-02. Herd limits.
╸Herds can only have the relative species under each category.
Example on a category: Horned herds.
╸Herds must have between 7-15 sub-adult/adult members in total.
╸Herds can have a max of 10 juvie/adol members in total.
╸Sauropod herds can only have a total of 4 sub-adults/adult Argents if mixed.
╸An Argent only herd must have between 4-8 sub-adult/adult members in total.
Horned herds
Plated herds
Feathered herds
Hadrosaur herds
Edmontosaurus Regalis
Edmontosaurus Annectens
Sauropod herds
Campto & Struthio Dryo, Psittaco:
╸Do not count towards herd size if in a mixed herd.
╸Do not count towards body down if in a mixed herd.
Exception: If the Campto or Struthi is the original target of a pack, they will count towards body down.
HE-01. Herdmasters.
╸One Herdmaster is required to form a Herd.
╸Herdmasters must record during the entirety of the herd and be on PC or Console.
╸Herdmasters must be in a TOJ Herd VC or a Temp VC with a working mic.
╸Herdmasters can not lead their herd through Spined Lizard Lagoon or Impact Crater.
╸The herd can only migrate through Grand Plains.
╸Herdmasters can exile herd members if they don’t stop behaviors that have been requested to stop.
╸The herd can choose a new Herdmaster if any of them leave or die, if they meet the requirements.
╸The herd has to meet up at a location chosen by the Herdmaster and move from there.
╸The herd must be within LOS of each other.
╸If a herd member is attacked outside of LOS, they can not receive any help.
╸Only those who had LOS of said herd member when they got attacked can help.
Ability calls & body blocking/meat shielding counts as helping.
HE-04. Migration.
╸Herd members can not intentionally kill another member of their herd.
╸Herds can not attack unless provoked.
Examples of provocation: 3/buff calling, spam calling, mock biting, stalking, tail whipping, crouching while facing herd members and/or coming into their personal space.
╸Herds do not need to 3/buff call before attacking if provoked.
╸Herds can not corpse guard, any corpse must be allowed to be eaten by carnies.
╸Herds can not interact with corpses, burrows or fish.
Semi-Aquatic herbivores can interact with fish.
Omnivores can only interact with critters/bones.
╸A herd can claim an POI for its food and/or water source.
╸A herd can never claim Spined Lizard Lagoon, Central Lake, Impact Crater or Grand Plains.
╸A herd can protect their claimed POI from other carnies/herbies by waiting 10 seconds after finished 3/buff call for a response.
╸A herd can not force out a carni/pack if they have a body.
╸If the dino/group 2/4 calls the herd, they must be allowed 5 minutes to leave the POI.
╸If the dino/group does not 2/4 call the herd, they are not prevented from returning to the POI.
╸If the dino/group is still in the POI after 5 minutes, the herd can attack and kill the dino/group.
If the herd fails to protect their claimed POI, and lost a sub adult/adult herd member:
╸The herd has 5 minutes to leave the POI.
╸The herd can not return to the same POI for 20 minutes.
If the herd succeeds to protect their claimed POI:
╸The failing group will have 5 minutes to leave the POI
╸The failing group can not return to the same POI for 20 minutes.
╸If a pack loses a pack member, they must be allowed to claim and eat the body.
If both parties agreed to disengage:
╸Both parties get a 20 minute timer on each other.
If the herd 3 calls a carni/pack and pushes them out of the POI:
╸The carni/pack can not start a hunt on someone else without fully disengaging the herd.
If the herd 3 calls a carni/pack and does not push them out of the POI:
╸The carni/pack can hunt someone else in the POI.
╸The carni/pack must be allowed to finish the body and 5 minutes to leave the POI.
HE-05. Attacking Herds.
╸Only one carni/pack can be engaged with a herd.
Examples of engagements include: Showing aggressive display or damage dealt to either party.
╸Carnies/packs that disengage, or have a pack member die get a 20 minute timer.
╸If you successfully hunt the herd, you do not get a timer if another pack member is below 50% hunger.
╸Carnies/packs can only engage the same herd 3 times, after that they must leave the herd alone until restart.
╸After server restart the engagements reset.
╸Herds can force out unsuccessful hunters from the claimed POI.