POI = (Point Of Interest), the name of the zone is seen on your minimap.
LOS = Line Of Sight, 360° around your dinosaur.
Band = A group of herbies that follow our normal grouping limits.
Herd = A group of herbies that follow our herd limits and rules.
Interfering = Third partying
Engagements = Hunting, interfering, any kind of contesting & provoking
Provoking = Showing aggressive display, 3/buff call, spam calling, mock biting, stalking, tail whipping, crouching while facing group members and/or coming into their personal space.
Icons correspond to the placement in the vocal wheel, starting from top and moving clockwise.
1 call (volume icon) = Broadcast
2 call (heart icon) = Friendly/surrender
3 call (three lightning strikes) = Threaten
4 call (exclamation mark) = Surrender
The Obsidian Jungle recommends that all players record while playing on our server if you can.
If you need assistance on a recording software please reach out for some advice!
IG-01. Restarts.
When it is 5 minutes until server restart:
No new engagements or provocations.
╸Already started engagements or provocations can keep going.
╸If any type of engagement is interrupted by a restart, you will not get a 20 minute timer.
╸If you already have a timer when the server restarts, the timer will carry over.
IG-02. Targeting.
╸No KOS or KFS.
╸No selective targeting or revenge killing.
╸Going out of your way to kill a specific player is not allowed.
Examples on targeting:
╸Returning to the location where you were just killed to kill your attackers.
╸Trying to kill or killing due to a personal vendetta.
IG-03. Meta-gaming.
╸You can not dino-swap to scout, contest your own corpse, or target others.
╸No location dropping yourself or others, or passing information to ungrouped dinos.
╸No using map, character, or game mechanic exploits.
╸Treading water - Being out of stamina in swimmable water but not drowning due to map/character.
╸Deliberately trying to lift someone with your model so they take fall damage.
╸Deliberately trapping someone under your model so they cannot move. (This is not body blocking, but actually being stuck in the mesh of the model.)
╸Using healing bites on group members (Ex: Maip’s Vampire Bite).
╸Using any ability calls that interfere in other’s engagements in a way that gives out positions or buff/debuffs the other party you are not fighting is not allowed.
╸Stacking abilities prior to starting an engagement. (Ex: Acro Heatbutt, Sucho Claw Barrage, Torvo Bite).
╸Using ledges/rocks to eat or drink without actually touching the object you are interacting with.
╸Do not abuse loopholes or attempt to demonstrate them.
╸If you find any loopholes, report it. If you are ever unsure, ask a staff member.
Examples on loop-holing:
╸Waiting for a body to despawn to start a hunt instead of contesting for it.
╸Invading someone's personal space after you/they 2 call them/you.
╸Do not participate in distasteful gameplay.
Examples include but are not limited to:
╸Bone breaking someone repeatedly instead of finishing the fight.
╸Using unnatural map exploitation in intent to bug someone or get them stuck.
╸”T-bagging” on someone after you killed them or won a fight.
IG-04. Meshing.
╸No meshing, this means hiding large/critical parts of your body into a mesh.
╸Do not mesh/glitch into parts of the map; including rocks, walls, and bases of trees.
╸Do not mesh bite other players, either through rocks, logs or other obstacles.
IG-05. Care bearing.
╸No care bearing.
Example: Leading ungrouped dinos to the location of items, asking to be contested, asking to ‘1v1’ or fight.
╸Do not give trophies to ungrouped dinos.
╸Do not hang around ungrouped dinos to help them.
╸Do not hang around, or fly above others while spam calling.
╸Actively spam calling within hearing range of other dinos is at your own risk.
╸You can 3/buff call the one spam calling, if they do not stop the spamming, you can kill them.
╸Do not hang out in an unreachable area and spam call.
╸Carnies do not need to claim the body of the spam caller.
╸Do not strip a corpse to feed ungrouped dinos.
╸Do not give any kind of tips, etc to others during hunts/contests etc.
╸Do not use /respawn or kill yourself next to other dinos, to intentionally or unintentionally feed them.
IG-06. Groups & group members.
╸Fights over mates or group positions can be started by both parties 3/buff calling.
╸These fights should rarely ever be to the death and end when one dinosaur 2/4 calls.
╸No group invites can be done while hunting/contesting or being hunted/contested.
╸If someone crashes during an engagement, they can rejoin upon loading back in if the engagement is still ongoing.
5 minutes must be allowed to leave the area/POI without being followed if:
╸You leave a group or get kicked out of a group.
╸Someone leaves your group or gets kicked out from your group.
╸If you, or the one that left/got kicked, attacks the group, defending is allowed.
IG-07. Personal space and tolerance.
╸”Personal space” is defined as 3 full body lengths of that dinosaur away from itself.
╸"Tolerance" is defined as the amount the dinosaur is comfortable or uncomfortable with others in its space.
Some species specific profiles have additional optional tolerance rules.
╸If your personal space is invaded for over 10 seconds, you must 3 call the invader out of your space.
╸If there is no response after 10 seconds you can attack.
Exception: If the invader is two tiers or more above yours, you cannot claim personal space and must move.
Example: A Concavenator cannot claim personal space against a Rex and must instead move away.
Some species specific profiles may override this exception.
╸The person who invaded your personal space can not follow you if you move without 3 calling.
╸If either party 2/4 calls, any kind of aggression has to stop.
╸Both parties get a 20 minute timer on each other.
╸You can claim personal space around your claimed food source.
╸You cannot block or claim personal space on quest items if the other party is actively collecting or delivering quest items.
IG-08. Waystones and home caves.
╸No hunting inside any waystone zone or outside a home cave entrance/exit.
╸No camping at waystones or home caves with the intent to hunt, including following from a waystone/home cave with the intent to hunt once they are out of the zone.
╸Any hunt that is led inside or through a waystone zone proceeds as normal.
╸If being hunted or fighting you can not enter a home cave to escape the fight.
╸Lingering in a waystone or home cave zones to avoid contests is not allowed.
╸You cannot waystone ungrouped dinos who are not stuck.
IG-9. Trophies.
╸Carnies and herbies can only steal trophies if they are dropped or placed next to the body on the ground.
╸If you already have a timer with someone, you can not steal their trophy.
╸Any dino can take a trophy from an unclaimed body without claiming it.
╸If at least one pack member stays with the claimed body, the trophy can be turned in.
╸The winner of a fight gets the trophy, if they choose to.
Example: Herbie kills a carni in defense, the herbie can choose to take the trophy or not, even if the body goes to the dead carnies pack.
Player arrow touching waystone icon and corners of home cave icon.
IG-10. Accessible water sources.
╸Full aquatics can not go into water sources that are not connected to the ocean.
╸Going on land to get past a waterfall is accepted.
Example: You can not go to Green valleys lakes or rivers since they are not connected to the ocean.