T-01. Contesting a POI.
╸To contest a rivalry solo or rivalry group out, you must have at least one adult.
╸Contesting rivals are not required.
╸If you are contested by rivals, you must respond.
╸All carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores may only contest their listed rivalries.
╸POI contesting for carni apexes are separate.
╸All sub-adult/adult members must be in the POI to be able to contest for it.
╸Hatchlings-adolescent do not count towards body down in a POI contest.
Exception: The hatchling-adolescent is from the challenging party.
╸Group members have 5 minutes to join a contest; if they do not arrive in time, they can not participate in the contest.
╸To contest for a POI, you must wait 10 seconds after finished 3/buff call for a response.
╸If there is no response, they forfeit the POI, and can be seen as intruders.
Attacking after being challenged counts as a response.
╸If they 3/buff call, you have to fight until body down or a 2/4 call.
╸If there is no damage dealt within 5 minutes, the challenging party automatically forfeit the POI.
╸If they 2/4 call, they forfeit the POI, which then becomes yours to claim.
╸If one group member 2/4 calls, the entire group has to stop the fight and leave the POI.
╸The losing group must immediately leave, and can not return for 30 minutes.
╸Allow 5 minutes for the carni/group that 2/4 called to leave. If the losing carni/group remains after 5 minutes, they can be killed as intruders; body down rules still apply.
╸You can ignore both body protection and 2/4 calls from intruders.
╸Self-defense is allowed if attacked while leaving.
╸Triggering body down means you can not claim the body and must still actively leave.
╸The winning group can not follow the losing group into a new POI.
╸Both parties receive a 20 minute timer on each other for any kind of engagements.
T-02. Sub-Apexes.
╸Rules in T-01. Territories apply.
T-03. Apexes.
╸Apexes must contest other apexes of the same type.
Group types: Terrestrial | Flying | Semi-Aquatic | Aquatic.
╸Rules in T-01. Territories apply.
Exception: Only one apex sub-adult/adult carni/group per type is allowed per POI.
╸If one party has a body, you must still contest. The winner of a body contest claims both the body, and the POI.
╸If you are at 50% hunger, you can hunt the Apexes in a claimed POI if your profile allows it.
╸Semi aquatic and aquatic apexes contest for the body of water in the POI instead of the entire POI.
╸Avoiding a contest by starting a hunt on someone else is not allowed.
╸Lingering in nameless POIs to avoid being contested is not allowed
╸Semi-aquatic and Aquatic Apexes can claim the POI up to 6 body lengths from their body of water's edge
T-03. Protecting the body of water.
This does not apply to semi-aquatic herbivores.
Aquatics and semi aquatic apexes can protect their claimed body of water in the POI if:
The terrestrial/flier has all their legs in the water.
╸Before driving an invader out, you must wait 10 seconds after finished 3/buff call.
╸If the invader does not move away after 10 seconds, further aggression is allowed.
╸Aquatics/semi aquatics can only attack the invader if they are within the water.
╸If the invader 2/4 calls or moves away, they can not return to that body of water for 5 minutes.
╸If the invader does not move away even after a 2/4 call, you can continue to attack the invader.
╸If the aquatic/semi aquatic kills an invader that was being hunted, the body goes to the original party if it is reachable.
╸Protecting your claimed body of water does not give a 20 minute timer to the original hunting party.