03. Engagements
E-01. Hunting.
╸Hunts can not be initiated until all held food items are eaten, and at least one pack member is at 50% hunger or less. (Critters, fish, meat chunks.)
╸Carnies can not start a hunt unless every pack member is in the same POI.
╸If your group starts a hunt, you will have 5 minutes to join in on the hunt.
╸If you do not manage to join in on the hunt within 5 minutes, you can not help your group.
The 5 minute timer also applies if:
╸You start a hunt without your group being there.
╸You get hunted without your group being there.
╸Your group gets hunted without you being there.
╸If you move out of LOS from a fight to heal, eat or drink you can be attacked and killed.
╸If you get attacked out of LOS from a fight, your pack has to be fully disengaged to help you.
This includes the other party also giving up to allow disengagement.
╸Carnies that actively hunt/provoke herbies can be chased down and killed.
╸After body down, every pack member must fill up as much as they can from the body.
╸Both groups have to be disengaged before a new hunt can start.
╸No combat logging is allowed.
Waiting out the full timer to safe log out does not count as combat logging.
Examples of engagements include: Showing aggressive display or damage dealt to either party, or extended chasing.
E-02. Herbivores.
╸Herbies can not attack unless provoked.
Examples of provocation: 3/buff calling, spam calling, mock biting, stalking, tail whipping, crouching while facing herbies and/or coming into their personal space.
╸Herbies can 3/buff call to warn the carni/pack to leave. If the carni/pack has not attempted to move away after 10 seconds, the herbie/band can attack.
╸Herbies can not corpse guard, any corpses must be allowed to be eaten by carnies.
╸Herbies can not interact with corpses, burrows or fish.
Exception: Profile dietary tags for specific species
╸A lone herbi can contest/claim 1 berry bush, a band can claim 2 that are within LOS of each other.
╸You must stay within 1.5 body lengths of your claimed berry bush or it will be unclaimed.
╸You cannot share your claimed bush with ungrouped dinosaurs.
Image shows 50% hunger.
E-03. Contest a food source.
╸If you want to eat from an already claimed food source, you must contest.
╸To contest for a food source you need to 3/buff call and wait 10 seconds.
╸If they 3/buff call back, or if there is no response after 10 seconds you can attack.
╸A 2/4 call from any group member ends the engagement, and forfeits the contest.
╸A body down from one of the contesting groups will end the contest.
╸If a contest is between two carnivore packs and results in a body down, the losing group must claim the unclaimed body.
╸If the contest is between two carnivore packs and the body vanishes, the contest must end with an engagement timer active.
Exception: Non-cannibal tag.
╸Both parties get a 20 minute engagement timer with each other.
╸If the contest moves out of LOS from the food source, it can be claimed and eaten by a third party.
╸If the contest ends by forfeit and you find your food source to be claimed, you must recontest the new party.
E-04. Interfering.
╸Do not interfere in ongoing hunts, contests or POI contests.
╸Fliers can not follow/hover right on top of other dinos in a way that gives up their position/ruins their hunts.
╸Do not body block in a fight or any kind of contest you/your group isn’t a part of.
╸If someone illegally interferes and they die, their body does not count as body down.
╸Do not use ungrouped dinos as a meat shield.
╸If someone tries to use you as a meat shield you can 3 call them away.
╸If they do not attempt to move away after 10 seconds, you can attack them.
╸If they move out of your personal space, you can not chase them.
╸If they die, the original hunting party gets to claim the body.
E-05. Semi-aquatic & aquatic interfering.
╸Aquatic/semi-aquatics can interfere if at least one group member is at 50% hunger or less.
╸Aquatics/semi aquatics can only interfere if the body of water is swimmable.
╸The whole group must be in the same POI in order to interfere.
╸Aquatics/semi aquatics must remain tethered 1.5 body lengths to the water's edge to interfere.
╸Aquatics/semi aquatics can attack any dino within the tether of the hunt they are interfering in.
╸Aquatics/semi aquatics must attack those that remain in its tether.
Example: You can attack party 1 even if party 2 is in your tether, if party 1 leaves your tether, your focus must switch to party 2 if they still remain within your tether.
╸Semi aquatics can not interfere in a hunt that involves a semi-aquatic party.
╸Aquatics can not interfere in a hunt that involves an aquatic party.
╸If a semi-aquatic interferer gets a body down, the original hunt may continue.
╸If either the semi-aquatic interferer or one of the original parties gets a body down, the other group can immediately contest.
E-06. Body down.
╸If a fight has been initiated and a body drops the fight stops.
Exception: Hatchlings/juveniles do not trigger body down, unless attacked first, making them the targeted prey. In the case of self defense, a hatchling/juvenile of the hunting party will trigger body down.
╸Deliberately killing multiple hatchlings/juveniles while hunting an adult, will be treated as KFS.
╸The winning carni/pack has to claim the body.
╸If you lost the fight you can not steal from that body.
╸The losing pack can not contest their own pack member's body.
╸Carnies must claim their packmates' bodies in a carni vs herbi fight. (Except non-cannibals).
╸Both parties get a 20 minute timer on engagements with each other.
╸Stripping a body and not eating the chunks is not allowed.
╸Carnivores must stay with and finish their body before leaving.
╸If you leave LOS of your claimed body, you lose protection and can be hunted. You cannot run back to your body for protection when being hunted, and your group cannot assist you.
╸No body denying is allowed.
Body denying includes:
╸Jumping off cliffs with intent to die, drowning yourself so others can’t eat your body.
╸Dying in a food source so people can’t get the prompt to eat.
╸Bleeding out in water, high places or small caves where others can’t reach your body.
Body denying excludes:
╸Someone kills you in water.
╸Using water as a defense/escape tactic.
E-07. Disengagement.
╸You must be fully disengaged before you can start a new hunt.
For example: You are being chased, even with no damage dealt.
You must disengage if:
╸No damage has been dealt within 5 minutes.
╸Both parties agree to disengage.
For example: Chat, mutual 2/4 call, taking distance without chase.
╸You lose your prey and give up looking for them.
╸The distance between you and your prey is big enough that you look disengaged, and another carni/pack takes over your hunt, or hunts you.
╸If all group members go to heal, when in a group, at least one member must stay engaged.
╸Solo dinos can go and heal without it causing disengagement.
╸If a whole pack disengages, the 20 minute timer starts for both parties.
E-08. Claiming body/spawn corpse.
╸Carnies and packs can only claim 1 body/spawn corpse at a time.
╸You do not have to stay with a spawn corpse, unless you contest for it.
╸If you take meat chunks from an unclaimed body or eat from it, you claim it.
╸If you are eating from/sitting on a spawn corpse, you can not be attacked without contest.
╸If you want to eat from someone's claimed body/spawn corpse, you must contest.
E-09. Stealing food.
╸A group of scavengers, or a solo carni can steal food from another carni/pack.
╸To steal food, you must grab chunks from the body.
╸Fliers must land in order to steal from a body.
╸Stealing a carnis/packs food is at your own risk, you can not defend yourself when attacked, only run.
╸The carni/pack can protect their food by attacking.
╸The carni/pack do not have to 3 call before attacking, 2/4 calls do not need to be respected.
╸Your claimed body must stay within 3 body lengths when defending from scavengers.