Tier: 5
Type: Semi-aquatic herbivore
Passive growth time: 4 hrs 23 min
Band size: 4 sub adults/adults, 1-4 juveniles/adolescents
Hierarchy: Bonded pair
Mating bond: Monogamous
Nest size: 1-2 offspring per pair
Diet tags: Piscivore, herbivore & frugivore
Preferred food: Fish, kelp/seaweed, berry bushes, & occasionally melons
Instinctually competitive towards one another, Deinocheirus rarely tolerate one another unless bonded mates. While males are far more aggressive than females, females have been known to attack males without cause. Naturally aloof, Deinocheirus prefer staying to themselves and rarely get involved in other creatures' territory scuffles and bush contests. They do not tolerate any creature getting too close and will threaten them almost immediately, this radius increases when they have youngs to the point that Deinocheirus will migrate large distances to be unbothered by others. Towards their mate they seem to be tolerant, offering soft cooing sounds especially during dawn and dusk. Deinocheirus are innately lazy creatures, spending most of their time lazing on the surface of the lakes, or basking in the sun. Deinocheirus have a short fuse before exploding.
Recommended behaviors
╸Deinocheirus prefers out of all water sources more swampy and overgrown areas, where it can blend in and swim around.
╸Aggressive with their personal space and does not tolerate other species stepping into their bubble.
╸This huge duck is a lazy animal and will not spend any extra energy unless it means escaping the jaws of a predator.
╸They enjoy rolling in mud, and scratching against trees, resulting in debris getting wrapped in their feathers.
There is very little fanfare in Deinocheirus courtship. Because they are so slow and lazy, Deinocheirus typically do not fight over mates, nor do they run around looking for a mate. If a male and female happen upon one another and they are unmated the two will likely pair up, spending most if not all their life together. To strengthen their bond both will preen one another, making little cooing sounds and learning each other's unique call.
Nesting & offspring
Males will not tolerate another’s offspring, however, a pair might adopt an orphaned chick when not breeding. While raising their young both parents are highly protective. Any creature nearby, a Deinocheirus, will attack if they get too close. Goslings are loud, a little faster than their parents and enjoy playing in the water rather than sunbathing so much. Once old enough the pair will chase their offspring out of the area, their nosy squeaks becoming as intolerable to them as the local camptosaurus population. Occasionally, chicks do not understand what is happening and it might take them a while, but when they realize they are on their own, instincts kick in and they adapt to their mostly solitary life very quickly. Most Deinocheirus get the hint and run, and family members are unrecognizable by the chicks and parents alike once all reach adulthood.