Tier: 5
Type: Terrestrial herbivore
Passive growth time: 4 hrs 6 min
Band size: 4 sub adults/adults, 1-8 juveniles/adolescents
Hierarchy: Matriarchal
Mating bond: Monogamous
Nest size: 1-4 offspring per pair
Diet tags: Herbivore & frugivore
Preferred food: Berry bushes, melons & bananas
These creatures are highly nomadic and rarely stay in the same place for very long. Perfecting to keep moving as not to deplete their food source. Amargasaurus are considered docile, calm, curious, and affectionate towards each other, showing a good amount of tolerance towards others of their own kind. Amargasaurus like forested areas where they can hide more easily from predators but will not say no to a good field with lots of bushes. Their herd is made up of the matriarch, her mate and another mated pair. They are highly loyal to one another, strengthening their bond nearly every day by cleaning each other and offering affectionate sounds.
Recommended behaviors
╸Amargasaurus love their meals, they tend to get very grouchy if they are forced to skip one.
╸Amargasaurus love to hang around thermal spring pools, often bathing in the warm water to keep clean.
╸They are very vocal towards familiar Amargasaurus and often strengthen their bonds with each other by making soft vibrating calls.
╸These sauropods prefer moving in forestry areas, but might end up crossing large plains in the search of bushes.
Amargasaurus herd together once a year in a massive breeding migration. Unpaired male Amargasaurus will seek an unattached female. Their courtship is theatrical and beautiful. The potential pair will dance with one another, circling each other, softly hitting each other’s neck sides, and making cooing songs. Once paired they will leave their herd for one another. From that moment on they are mated for life. Paired Amargasaurus rarely if ever chooses another mate.
Nesting & offspring
During the mass migration females will build their nest close together as a way to better defend their young. Males are far more aggressive to outsiders, driving them off when they get too close to their mate or young. While they will not defend one another they typically nest close by. Once the offspring are old enough to migrate the large herd breaks off in smaller groups making it harder for predators to track the large sauropods. Calves are playful, enjoying chasing each other and much more. When predators are not around, calves will also play with other herbivores, chasing and calling out, often needing to be curtailed back by their parents to avoid being whacked by unreceptive herbivores.